We recognizes the importance of respecting and promoting human rights globally. People First, one of the Company’s core values, is a fundamental commitment to this principle.

We strive to avoid adverse human rights impacts from the outset by embedding principles related to respect and dignity throughout our business and integrating them into our company policies and relevant procedures. Ethical conduct and strong business relationships are key to preventing or mitigating adverse human rights impacts in our operations, products or services by our business relationships.

We are committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment for our associates, visitors, suppliers and contractors, maintaining respectful workplaces and upholding equal opportunities for every associate. We go beyond our operations to protect the rights of the workers who make our products.

Health & Safety

Aligned with our “People First Values,” we strive to continuously improve our workplaces to reduce the risk of injury and other negative health consequences. Our efforts include incident and hazard reporting, data analysis, standard operating procedures aimed at reducing injury risk, associate and management training, the promotion of best practices and the measurement of key safety metrics.

We have aligned our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, including health and safety commitments to:

Goal 3: Good Health & Wellbeing, in which we outline our commitment to supporting healthy children, families and factory workers; and

Goal 6: Clean Water & Sanitation, in which we define access to water as a human right aligned with our commitment to 100% responsibly sourced cotton

Our Workplace

Equal Opportunity Protections

We provide an inclusive workplace that prohibits discrimination, retaliation and harassment. The Company expects every employee to be treated and treat others with respect and dignity.

We had passed the Social Accountability 8000 and CSR audit.

SA8000 certificates will soon arrive us.