Here Is a Checklist Of 11 Questions to Ask When Choosing An Event Production Partner

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Events are hard & stressful to deliver. They must be “right on the night.” There is no second chance to make a first impression. There are always last-minute challenges to overcome. There are many good providers. To ensure you have one in your corner, here is a check list of 11 questions to ask.

1. Are they the right size? A larger sized company can bring confidence but you don’t want to get ‘lost in the crowd’. Are they small enough to care so you get personalised service & attention but also large enough to deliver come what may?

2. Are they truly client focused? Do they really listen to what you want? Can they provide expert advice? Do they have the experience to constructively challenge your brief? Do they focus on understanding what you want to achieve & work collaboratively with you to get there?

3. Do they have a proven track record? Do they have a long enough history of making high profile events happen? It’s reassuring when a company has been supporting high profile shows & delivering for demanding clients for decades. If they were not a great production partner, they wouldn’t still be around.

4. Are they innovative but also understand how to follow through? Can they develop a creative concept & seamlessly implement it in all its aspects, with the foresight to address the practicalities? Creativity needs to combine with technical know-how & vice versa – neither alone is enough.

5. Do they have both attention to detail & a passion to deliver the show? Will they go the extra mile to make it happen? Events need passion & a can-do attitude & a willingness to do whatever needs to be done, when it needs to be done.

6. Do they have a strong team ethos? Does the company have bench strength and not just a great lead person? Individuals can fall ill, any company you choose

must have the resources to ensure all roles are fully & ably filled at a moment’s notice. Are they happy to work collaboratively & constructively with other suppliers?

7. How do they deal with mistakes or last minute crises? Mistakes happen, things go wrong – it is how they are dealt with that ensures the success of the event. Can you rely on your partner in times of crisis to find a solution, quickly & efficiently? Do they have the breadth & depth of experience to have seen it before (or something similar) before & have the know how to fix it?

8. Is their equipment well-maintained & of sufficient quality? Production companies can cut corners to reduce costs – it just takes one faulty lead for a whole event to be stopped in its tracks. Good quality equipment well maintained is less likely to fail on site. It is a good sign if the company has long relationships with established & high quality equipment manufacturers. This is a key indicator of care as these manufacturers only give third party endorsement to companies who have rigorous processes & track record in terms of storing, maintaining & testing their equipment.

9. Is the company responsible in its insurance & health & safety processes? Can the company demonstrate appropriate safety processes & insurance in case things go wrong? You need a responsible partner on your team.

10. Are they good to have around? Is the company ‘a happy ship’? As well as experienced, responsible & professional, are they fun to work with? A quality company that treats people well creates a positive vibe that make everyone else’s life a little easier & a team that works well together.

11. Are they fair in their pricing? No one should pay more than they need to put on an event. But if one quoted price seems a lot lower than others, check that they aren’t compromising on any of the areas above. You only get one chance to get a live event right. A low price can be a false economy that comes back to bite.

We are Bests lighting, one of the most reliable pro lighting suppliers. If you would like any advice in delivering an event or selecting the right partner ,feel free to contact us on

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